Interview-2: DevOps Interview Questions

Jenkins Pipeline and it's types

Jenkins: Pipeline

  • A pipeline is a collection of steps or jobs which are interlinked with one another in a sequence.

  • Jenkins supports different plugins which help to implement CI/CD pipelines into Jenkins i.e., Git plugin, Build Pipeline plugin, Jenkins Maven plugin, Full Stage View…etc.

  • A pipeline can be written using two types of syntax- Scripted and Declarative.

Scripted Pipeline-

  • This is the original pipeline syntax for Jenkins, which is based on the Groovy scripting Language (old method to create the pipeline).

  • It provides a lot of flexibility and control over the workflow but it can be more complex.

  • Syntax-

  • Hands-On-

    Let’s create a pipeline with a simple syntax and check for the pipeline “Full Stage View“-

Declarative Pipeline-

  • It’s a simpler approach or It’s a more recent addition to Jenkins and provides a more structured and simpler syntax for defining the pipelines.

  • The code is simplified because declarative syntax is more limited. You won’t be able to inject code into the pipelines whenever you want.

  • This type of pipeline is not worth it while working on a complex logic.

  • Syntax-

Hands-On -

Let’s create a pipeline with a simple syntax and check for the pipeline “Full Stage View“-

Scripted vs Declarative Pipeline-

1. Pipeline Code Validation-

  • Scripted Pipeline- Code Validation happens during the pipeline execution, which means at the very end stage only we will get to know about the errors or issues.

    • Example- We are deleting the echo message and then we will check in the full stage view after build-

    • Declarative Pipeline- Code Validation happens when the pipeline is loaded into the Jenkins, i.e., before running the pipeline.

      • Example-

2. Restart From Stage-

  • Scripted Pipeline- Restarting from a specific stage is not directly supported, we need to restart it from the beginning and it will consume more time as previously executed stages need to be repeated.

  • Declarative Pipeline- Restarting from a specific stage is supported and by this we can save time and resources by skipping already completed stages.

    • Example-

3. Skipping Stage-

  • Scripted Pipeline- All stages will be executed sequentially, there is no built-in support for skipping stages.

  • Declarative Pipeline- Supports skipping stages using the “when“ directive and allows conditional skipping of stages based on specified conditions.


Happy Learning!! 😁